About CSB

Credit Counseling Blog

As debtors overindulge in unproductive activities, like involvement in speculative investments and gambling habits in casinos, credit cards exceeded the given limits and massive piles of debts began rise to new heights. Alarm bells started ringing loudly when many debtors voiced out their concerns regarding the unstoppable adrenaline rush of snowballing interest rates, not to mention banking institutions and credit lending agencies sending lawyer letters demanding for compensations on a weekly basis, so much unwanted stress being generated out of active debts.

Since debtors are unable to afford the luxury of loan repayments, be it in costly mortgages or saddled with personal debts, they are in need of assistance in an urgent manner. There must certainly be a remedy to help these lendees. Here comes the birth of Credit Counseling Blog.

CSB Foundation

This blog serves as a platform to provide repayment alternatives to debtors during critical events to alleviate the pressures being shouldered upon. As for creditors, this blog disseminates pertinent information regarding debtors' needs which the lenders can figure solutions to key problems. Being an open community, Credit Counseling Blog urges individuals to adopt a more prudent approach if there is any involvements in credit facilities. As this blog grows with the economy, an aspiration is to align creditors and debtors together, resolving credit cards disputes in an amicable manner.

CSB Mission, Objective & Core Values

Observing daily news, reporting credit scores and checks, this blog has acknowledge that most working professions are lacking in financial literacy which is detrimental to the financial health status. The mission is to introduce the definition of credit to all readers and keep information simple for digestion. As for the objective, the path to promoting financial literature is imperative and this blog targets to disperse fruitful knowledge as part of communal living.

In order to ensure a healthy communal residence, do share your point of views in a generous manner to those who face deep liability and depending on credit counseling suggestions. Spread the concept of financial prudence to all walks of life and enjoy a healthy & wealthy community here!

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