Monday 9 March 2015

Are your Credit Limits at Stake?

Debts piling up like Heaps of Thrash

Alas, looking carefully, the shocking amount of letters stating credit card debts from banks and overdrafts are stacking on the dining table. Don't think anyone is in the right mood to continue feasting. The mind of borrower might be something like to take up more debts to settle the current outstanding settlements or pay up interests to let the installment roll to next month. Both ways are sure lose but the question is how to get out of this terrible debt-saddled crisis?

Try to Outsmart Debts, Think again!

Over the years, finanicial regulators have fool-proof most equity raising campaigns, making borrowing even harder for both creditors and debtors. An example is the Basel III mandatory program which makes retail & commercial banks undergo mass hassles, identify sources of capital, take the lead to set aside certain percentage of cash and ensure adequate liquidity. In return, the banks engaged compliance teams and auditors to review credit lending facilities to further safeguard revenues and lower the rates of defaults by imposing tougher criteria & stringent credit limits.

If a retail borrower tries to play the loan-rounding game, a method that is commonly used in the early 20th century, he is in his wit ends as the onus is on the bank, not the lendee. One interesting way is to continuously borrow credits from various banks. These smart borrowers will then use the proceeds to cover another bank's debts in a consecutive cycle. Although they paid up the personal loans using other forms of credit facilities, little do they expect that loan services do incur processing fees, interest rates and other concurrent charges. In the end, the debt snowballed till bursting credit limits and finally being unable to remunerate any creditors leading to bankruptcy.

Explore viable Credit Limit options

The purpose of having credit limits is to spend within your means or to pay up for sudden (uncontrollable) expenses like hospitalization fees or car accidents reparations. The 'last' thing to spend is on shopping sprees or taking up mortgage installments for upgraded housing needs. Education on exploring credit limits is urgently demanded across the globe to prevent unwanted defaults and negative causes of social problems.

Study Loans - if the borrower wants to further his studies, he might want to consider taking up a study loan with government grants or seek financial assistance from his employer. This will eliminate the issue of personal loans with higher interest rates, needless to speak about monthly installments.

Mortgage services - the special thing about housing needs is that a specialist is needed to review annual credit reports and financial capability. What's so unique is that tax assessment reviews are in to further identify possible flaws and detect problems early. Take this opportunity to have a good credit rating before adopting any mortgages.

Credit cards - always question yourself, do I really need a credit card? Why must I own one other than reaping benefits out of it? There are many folks that experienced bad credits due to owing outstanding amounts that forced the bank to write-off. It depicts a negative outlook on retail borrowers and the flow of the bank's economic activities in the long run.

Adopt a Healthy Credit lifestyle

Today marks the day whereby you keep track of credit records and work towards maintaining a positive credit rating in the bureaucracy. This will beneit many parties as well as bringing ease to settling finance matters like housing loans and open doors to career prospects like financial institutions. Hence, do yourself a favor by ensuring that there is no outstanding credit payments or clear all debts within a strict period of time. It is time to run a healthy creditstyle program today!

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