Thursday 12 March 2015

Investigate & Watch your Finances closely

Check and Check expenses

If retail borrowers want to get out of debts, whether it's credit cards or personal loans, the right thing to do is to be aware of all expenses. When a person is unaware of the current extravangant lifestyle, there is always a possibility to receive a bill shock. Take for an example, a consumer indulge in fixtures & fittings, he merely pays up the interests to prevent outstanding payments from increasing, hoping that his year end bonuses can compensate for the items, received the total bills at the end of the servicing term and got a huge shock. This happened so frequently that credit card companies are scrambling to put an end to most furniture stores in credit terms.

Offer friends in a generous manner

One of the key problems in managing finances is on the generosity of social spendings. Sometimes, do you realize that why some bills just don't tally up after cracking brain juices till dry? All of a sudden, it seems like a habit to keep footing the tab and eventually, the entire finance got trapped and messed up. Keep track of expenses by keeping receipts and any transactional proofs in order to maintain a close vigilancy in indulgence. This is the very least you can do to better manage finances or even put an end to extravagant lifestyle. Being generous is one but staying updated on transactions is the key to successful debt-free lifestyle.

Watch credit facilities like Loans & Credit card Bills

Indulging in borrower's likes is not a bad thing, after all, it's his decision to enjoy life along the way to retirement. Why make the path to financial freedom a bitter one with utmost opportunity costs that turned down many in search of the perfect method? One may leverage on credit facilities offered by banks to fund some impromptu expenses or out for an overseas trip with family members. There is absolutely nothing wrong. However, do keep a close watchout on lavish expenditure such as long-term holiday trips or bank overdrafts incurring higher debts. These amounts can be compounded into an interest-servicing monster! Reduce them by planning out a budget today.

3Rs - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

What can a person do if there is limitations on current debt-financing lifestyle which he intended to get out of very soon? The head of household wants to bring his family out for a day of rest and relaxation, there are many affordable alternatives instead of expensive holiday tours in Europe or Japan. Plan for beach swim or picnic is a good way to bond. Another way to celebrate is to host an in-house party theme for closed friends. Dinner at casual cafeterias can be an affordable luxury style. All these small scale events can benefit the family in the long run yet keeping costs affordable. A simplistic way of enjoyment can make everyone happy as well as the path to financial freedom.

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